Driveway Installation
Asphalt Driveway
Construction of asphalt driveway
Lay-out and grade driveway
Deliver and spread processed sub-base (hardener) and compact
Fine grade and pave two-course application of hot asphalt consisting of 2”
binder course and 1” of top course.
Chip-seal Driveway
Construction of chip-seal driveway
Lay-out and grade driveway
Deliver and spread of processed sub-base (hardener) and compact
Chip-seal to consist of 2” asphalt binder, a layer of liquid asphalt emulsion,
and 3/8” native stone rolled in
Gravel Driveway
Installation of gravel driveway
Deliver and install of processed hardener sub-base and compact
Install stone as finish and compact
Sub-base and finish thickness to vary
Stone materials to vary
Sea Shell Driveway
Installation of sea shell driveway
Deliver and install processed hardener sub-base and compact
Install sea shells as finish and compact
Sub-base and finish thickness to vary
Concrete Paver Driveway
Construction of concrete paver driveway
Lay-out, excavate and grade proposed courtyard
Deliver, spread and compact processed sub-base (hardener)
Pavers to be dry-laid in a 1.5” sand setting bed
Pavers are compacted into sand setting bed with a vibratory compactor for
proper lock into sand setting bed
• Paver joints to be swept with a polymeric sand upon completion
• Paver materials, colors, textures, and patterns to be determined